
Professional Development Courses

These workshops are meant for any educator, from the teacher who's never stepped outside with their class to the seasoned outdoor instructor. These two workshops have been tested and highly reviewed, but I am always in the process of refining them, as well as designing new programs. If you have interest in a custom topic, please contact me and we can work together to meet your needs.

Outside In The Winter

The mercury is dropping, and a chill is in the air, but you refuse to keep your class inside all winter! Would you like some tips, tricks, games, and activities to help bring your class outside for a half hour or half a day? This workshop will focus on our students’ physiological response to the cold and how we keep our students learning, warm and happy in the winter. 


Stepping Up To Sit Spots

 Mindfullness with out students is something we all seek, but may struggle to find. Outdoor educators utilize the “sit spot” (a solitary spot picked by the student outside that they revisit over time) to help students build  a stronger connection to the world around them, learn to regulate their emotions and find new  ways to de-stress. This workshop will give teachers a progression of activities to lead their class up to “sit-spots”

$250 for 1.5 hour workshop $400 for 3 hour workshop
All workshops come with a custom booklet of activities on the topic discussed

Curriculum Development

With over a decade of designing courses and programs for students ranging from kindergarden to university level, I can help you develop curriculum around topics of environmental education that will be innovative, impactful and most importantly fun for your students. This could mean assistance with altering your existing curriculum to bring it into the outdoors, or designing entirely new curriculum that will bring elements found in outdoor education into your physical or virtual classroom.

Contact for pricing

Outdoor Education Certifications

Excited about the prospect of getting outside with your students, but feel that you’re lacking the confidence or skills to do so alone? Certification courses can be a great way to build your skills as an outdoor educator and operate in line with industry expectations. Check out some of the certifications below and if there are any questions about how they can be useful in your practice, please reach out to me! 

Outdoor Council of Canada: Field Leader 

Paddle Canada: Intro Tandem Canoe Skils 

Paddle Canada: Camping Basics and Wilderness Camping
Leave No Trace Canada : Level 1 or Level 2 Trainer 

Why Outdoor Education?

The Covid-19 pandemic lead us indoors and away from each other. Months without school and the constant fear of re-closing left learners, especially younger ones, at a disadvantage. Learning from home and zoom classes may have provided students with the testable knowledge they needed, but not the social-emotional skills they gain from meaningful interaction with their peers


By going outside, our students can see themselves in a new light. No longer contained between four walls or in the corner of a screen; learners are empowered to try new things, experiment in an unfamiliar environment, test their resiliency to adveristy and learn how to work in harmony with the world around them.